WHS Safety Focus – Protect Your Hearing
Too much noise at work can lead to hearing loss.
Around 30% of Aussies work in an environment where they are exposed to loud noise at work.
Hearing damage can occur from extended exposure to noise or exposure to very loud impact or explosive sounds.
What is too much noise?
- The exposure limit for noise is LAeq,8h of 85 dB(A).
- The ‘one metre rule’ – If you need to raise your voice to talk to someone about one metre away you can assume the sound level is likely to be hazardous to your hearing.
Wear any hearing protection you are given:
- Wear it properly.
- Wear it all the time you are doing noisy work, and when you are in hearing protection areas.
- Taking it off even for a short while means that your hearing could still be damaged.
Be alert to some of the hearing loss warning signs:
- Ringing or buzzing (tinnitus) in your ears after exposure
- You can hear people talking but you have difficulty understanding them
- You experience “fullness” in your ears after leaving a noisy area
- You miss some letters like the final “s”.
What’s next?
Talk with your onsite supervisor or your ETC if you have questions about your PPE or noise exposure. If you work in a noisy workplace the ATC will arrange for you to have a hearing test every 2 years.
If you have any WHS questions or concerns, please contact our WHS team.