Transforming Lives: The Success of the Victorian Manufacturing Skills Project

The Ai Group ATC Victorian Manufacturing Skills Project has been a beacon of hope and opportunity for individuals seeking to enter the manufacturing workforce. In 2022 we were funded by the Victorian State Government aimed with increasing the number of entry level engineering opportunities for candidates in priority cohorts.

Over the course of our journey, we welcomed a total of 230 participants into the program, guiding them through comprehensive pre-employment training to ensure they were job-ready. A significant milestone was achieved as 134 individuals embarked on their journey towards a Certificate II in Engineering Studies, with the majority successfully completing their pre-apprenticeship training. This rigorous preparation laid a solid foundation for their future careers in engineering.

Through strategic partnerships with leading educational institutions such as Kangan, Chisholm, Wodonga TAFE, and others including Victoria University and Holmesglen, we provided top-notch pre-employment training. These collaborations not only enriched the learning experience but also empowered our participants with industry-relevant skills.

The impact of the Victorian Manufacturing Skills Project extended far beyond training. We proudly facilitated employment for 126 individuals across 85 different employers statewide. Noteworthy among these are industry giants like Alstom, Convair, Boeing, ANCA, Prestige Truck bodies, and AW Bell. Sixty-six of our participants secured apprenticeships, a testament to their dedication and the quality of our program.

While not everyone found their path in manufacturing, our support extended to those transitioning to other industries. Seventeen individuals explored new avenues after trialling positions in manufacturing before realising manufacturing wasn’t their fit, eventually finding success elsewhere. Additionally, 11 participants chose to pursue further studies, empowered by the foundational skills gained during their time with us.

According to our Employment & Training Advisor Shannon Voss-Smith, who commenced her journey with our ATC as a result of this program, among the many rewarding success stories, one stands out to me: “Grace (who appears in our promotional video on the program), who still works at her employer over 12 months later. She has completed the Cert II in Engineering and works on the tools 3 days a week and works in the office doing invoicing 2 days a week”. “She is very thankful for the program and still contacts me today to thank me for having a positive impact on her life.”

Grace’s journey exemplifies the program’s profound impact. Her ongoing gratitude underscores the enduring impact of the Victorian Manufacturing Skills Project. Our Apprentice and Trainee Centre celebrates the achievements of our participants and partners, as together we continue to shape futures and drive innovation in the manufacturing sector. We thank all of the participants, partners of the program, and the companies that made the workplace opportunities happen! Well done to all involved!

Check out the Victorian Manufacturing Skills Project Video

ATC Manufacturing Skills Project video