The Australian Industry Group is managing a project funded by State Government aimed at increasing the number of entry level engineering opportunities for candidates in priority cohorts

The program will consist of some upfront pre-employment training, which includes:

  • Employability skills
  • Technical skills – mechanical or fabrication

This training is completely paid for and will take around 3-4 weeks to complete. Some of the components covered will be as follows:

  • Resume writing
  • Comprehension
  • Mental health resilience
  • Introduction into welding/Basic Mechanical skills
  • WHS – safety in the workplace

Once the upfront training is completed, candidates will undertake a Certificate ll in Engineering. All off-the-job training for this program is completely covered so there is no cost to employers while they are in training. Employers will be required to cover their employment costs while on-the-job, which can be done through the Group Training or direct employment models. The ATC will provide strong mentoring and pastoral care to the candidates, which will consist of the following priority cohorts:

  • Women aged 45 and over
  • Young people aged between 18-25 years
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Victorians
  • Victorians living with a disability
  • Jobseekers registered with a State Government Partner
  • Veterans
  • People who are long-term unemployed or at risk of being long-term unemployed

The project is open to all companies that operate in Victoria and to any candidates in one of our targeted categories interested in an engineering career.

For organisations or candidates wanting further information please contact Ai Group Apprentice & Trainee Centre at