Empowering women in energy and manufacturing: Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre joins the movement

Exciting news as the Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre proudly announces its selection as one of the recipients of a grant under Victoria’s Women in Energy and Manufacturing program. This initiative, recently announced by the Victorian Government, marks a significant step towards narrowing the gender gap in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Amidst the backdrop of a pressing need for greater female representation in energy and manufacturing, we at the Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre are thrilled to be part of this program. Our commitment to fostering inclusivity and diversity in vocational education and training aligns seamlessly with the government’s vision of a more equitable workforce.

With $1.3 million in grants allocated to ten deserving organisations, including ours, the initiative aims to address systemic barriers that have historically hindered women’s advancement in these sectors. From combating gender discrimination to providing resources for leadership development, these grants are poised to deliver meaningful change.

Our project will address economic equality and leadership opportunities within the energy and manufacturing sectors. Through networking events, leadership workshops and peer-to-peer mentoring the project will target women and gender diverse individuals currently undertaking trade apprenticeships in both sectors as well as mid-career workers. Additionally, apprentice/mid-career participants will be provided with leadership training and invited to networking events to provide them with the necessary skills required for advancement into leadership positions within the industry. 

We will then recruit 15 female Engineering/Electrical apprentices and 7-15 females currently working in leadership roles in industry as mentors.

Apprentices will attend a two-day workshop which will focus on leadership skills in a male dominated environment. Mentees will be matched with a mentor and will meet every 6 weeks for up to 8 months.

The program will officially commence in July with a launch event to be announced soon.

For further information on the grant recipients and our involvement in the program, please stay tuned to our updates and/or visit the Women in Energy and Manufacturing funding program for more details.