How you become an apprentice or trainee – all you need to know
If you are interested in becoming an apprentice or trainee Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre will tell you everything you need to know about your new career and we will look after you along the way. Taking on an apprenticeship or traineeship is a big commitment, and we’ll make sure you have everything you need to complete successfully.
Many of our staff started their careers as apprentices and trainees and we know just what it’s like to take on your qualification, start your first day and combine working with further learning. We understand how you feel. Our experienced staff will help you get the right answers to your questions and will be with you throughout your training term.
We can give you advice on workplace issues such as:
- your wages and how they compare with university fees;
- getting the right training and staying on track;
- working out career pathways;
- helping you obtain government assistance for your living expenses; and importantly
- looking after your health and safety while you are at work.
The Australian and State Governments can provide loans and financial assistance to help cover living and learning costs during your apprenticeship if you meet certain eligibility criteria. Our staff are experienced in assisting you understand this criteria and can help you to identify just what it can mean for you. Contact us to find out more.
How long your apprenticeship or traineeship takes will depend on the trade you pick. It is usually 3 to 4 years for most apprenticeships and 1 to 2 years for a traineeship. When you decide to become an apprentice/trainee you will sign a Training Agreement for that agreed time. The Training Agreement states that you agree to complete a TAFE course for about one day a week while you’re employed in the job. This is flexible as training may occur in blocks, rather and a day a week.
What does it mean to be an Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre apprentice or trainee?
Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre is a Group Training Organisation. We employ you as an apprentice/trainee in your chosen field and then place you with a suitable host organisation. We monitor your training, both on and off-the-job to ensure you are receiving quality experience and provide you with a mentor to help guide you through your apprenticeship/traineeship term. One of the advantages of being our employee is our ability to rotate you through different hosts to ensure you to receive the best training and experience possible. In addition, if the work runs out at your host, we can rotate you to another so you can continue your trade. You will not lose your job.
Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre is here to help you make the right choices in your career and support you along the way. If you make the commitment to an apprenticeship or traineeship, we will make a commitment to you.
Many of our apprentices and trainees have had the chance to be recognised out in the world of work and training. They have successfully taken part in Worldskills, Group Training Awards, State Training Awards, Industry Awards, Community Awards and TAFE Awards.