Safety Talk Newsletter – March 2020 – Issue 3


Safety at TAFE

  1. Your responsibilities when attending your Training (TAFE) day or block

You must not misuse or interfere with machinery or guarding.

Always clean up after yourself.

Listen clearly and follow your teacher’s instructions.

Take note of first aid kits and evacuation points.

Should you be absent from your training day(s) for illness or some other reason the same requirements of notification to host organisation and Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre apply as if you were at work.

  1. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at TAFE

Standard PPE is required at all worksites including your training day (s) at TAFE. Foot protection; eye protection; hand protection; long pants and long-sleeved shirts or overalls; and hearing protection.

  1. Reporting Hazards/near misses/incidents while at TAFE

If you have noticed a potential safety hazard in your learning environment or are involved in an accident or incident you should report it to your teacher immediately. Please also contact your Employment Training Consultant at Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre.


  1. You are responsible for your own safety and safety of others.
  2. All accidents are preventable.
  3. Do not take short cuts. Always follow the rules.
  4. If you are not trained, don’t do it.
  5. Assess the risks before you approach your work. TAKE FIVE
  6. Always use the PPE you have been issued.
  7. Always use equipment / tools / machinery safely and properly.
  8. Practice good housekeeping.
  9. Report all injuries.
  10. No alcohol or drugs to be used or allowed.

Ren Trinchera – WHS National Manager – M: 0449 676 752 – E:

Leanne Suffolk – Senior Safety Adviser – M: 0429 065 171 – E:

Peter James – Senior Safety Adviser – M: 0427 499 644 – E: